When I signed up to travel to India with the Mother Teresa organization, I knew I was in for an adventure. But what I didn't expect was how much this experience would teach me about sustainability and simplicity.
Over the course of almost a year, I traveled around India, helping out in various communities and getting to know the locals. One of the first things that struck me was how little waste there was. People made do with what they had and reused and repurposed items whenever possible. This got me thinking about how much we waste in the West, and how we could do better.
Another lesson I learned was about food. In India, food is not taken for granted. People are grateful for every meal, and wasting food is seen as a sin. This taught me to be more mindful of what I eat and to appreciate the effort that goes into preparing a meal.
But perhaps the biggest lesson I learned was about the value of a simple life. In India, people live with very little, yet they are some of the happiest and most contented people I have ever met. They value community, family, and spiritual fulfillment above material possessions.
Overall, my time in India as a volunteer was a life-changing experience that taught me valuable lessons about sustainability, mindfulness, and the value of a simple life. I hope to carry these lessons with me wherever I go and to spread the message of sustainability and simplicity to others.